CTC++ Coverage Report- Untested Code

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Source file:f:\ctcwork\Demos\cube\cube.cpp
Instrumentation mode:multicondition+inclusive_timingReduced to:MC/DC coverage
TER:95 % (19/20) structural,96 % (24/25) statement

155FUNCTION CCubeApp::InitInstance()
0 1-78  if (m_lpCmdLine [ 0 ] != '\0')
***TER95 % (19/20) of FILE cube.cpp
96 % (24/25) statement

Source file:f:\ctcwork\Demos\cube\cubedoc.cpp
Instrumentation mode:multicondition+inclusive_timingReduced to:MC/DC coverage
TER:72 % (21/29) structural,75 % (15/20) statement

147FUNCTION CCubeDoc::OnNewDocument()
0 1-49  if (! CDocument::OnNewDocument ( ))
0-50    return 0
0-61FUNCTION CCubeDoc::Serialize()
0 0-63  if (ar . IsStoring ( ))
0-82FUNCTION CCubeDoc::Dump()
***TER72 % (21/29) of FILE cubedoc.cpp
75 % (15/20) statement

Source file:f:\ctcwork\Demos\cube\cubeview.cpp
Instrumentation mode:multicondition+inclusive_timingReduced to:MC/DC coverage
TER:62 % (66/107) structural,79 % (154/196) statement

0-123FUNCTION CCubeView::Dump()
1161FUNCTION CCubeView::OnCreate()
0 1-163  if (CView::OnCreate ( lpCreateStruct ) == - 1)
0-164    return - 1
1171FUNCTION CCubeView::OnDestroy()
1 0-181  if (hrc)
0 1-184  if (m_pOldPalette)
1 0-187  if (m_pDC)
3193FUNCTION CCubeView::OnSize()
--201      MC/DC (cond 1): 1 - 3
84214FUNCTION CCubeView::OnTimer()
0 84-222  while (::PeekMessageA ( & msg , m_hWnd , 0x0113 , 0x0113 , 0x0001 ))
1228FUNCTION CCubeView::Init()
0 1-240  if (! bSetupPixelFormat ( ))
0-241    return
0 1-255  if (m_oldRect . bottom)
1270FUNCTION CCubeView::bSetupPixelFormat()
0 1-295  if (( pixelformat = ChoosePixelFormat ( m_pDC -> GetSafeHdc ( ) , & pfd ) ) == 0)
0-298    return 0
0 1-301  if (SetPixelFormat ( m_pDC -> GetSafeHdc ( ) , pixelformat , & pfd ) == 0)
0-304    return 0
0-310FUNCTION CCubeView::ComponentFromIndex()
0-318  case 1:
0-320    return oneto8 [ val ]
0-321  case 2:
0-323    return twoto8 [ val ]
0-324  case 3:
0-326    return threeto8 [ val ]
0-328  default:
0-329    return 0
1334FUNCTION CCubeView::CreateRGBPalette()
0 1-343  if (pfd . dwFlags & 0x00000080)
0 0-352    for (;i < n;)
0 0-367    if (( pfd . cColorBits == 8 ) && ( pfd . cRedBits == 3 ) && ( pfd . cRedShift == 0 ) && ( pfd . cGreenBits == 3 ) && ( pfd . cGreenShift == 3 ) && ( pfd . cBlueBits == 2 ) && ( pfd . cBlueShift == 6 ))
--367      MC/DC (cond 1): 1 - 8
--367      MC/DC (cond 2): 1 - 7
--367      MC/DC (cond 3): 1 - 6
--367      MC/DC (cond 4): 1 - 5
--367      MC/DC (cond 5): 1 - 4
--367      MC/DC (cond 6): 1 - 3
--367      MC/DC (cond 7): 1 - 2
0 0-370      for (;i <= 12;)
85383FUNCTION CCubeView::DrawScene()
0 85-390  if (bBusy)
0-391    return
***TER62 % (66/107) of FILE cubeview.cpp
79 % (154/196) statement

Source file:f:\ctcwork\Demos\cube\mainfrm.cpp
Instrumentation mode:multicondition+inclusive_timingReduced to:MC/DC coverage
TER:59 % (24/41) structural,56 % (22/39) statement

161FUNCTION CMainFrame::OnCreate()
0 1-63  if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate ( lpCreateStruct ) == - 1)
0-64    return - 1
0 1-69  if (! m_wndToolBar . Create ( this ) || ! m_wndToolBar . LoadBitmapA ( 128 ) || ! m_wndToolBar . SetButtons ( buttons , sizeof ( buttons ) / sizeof ( UINT ) ))
--69    MC/DC (cond 1): 1 - 4
--69    MC/DC (cond 2): 2 - 4
--69    MC/DC (cond 3): 3 - 4
0-72    return - 1
0-97FUNCTION CMainFrame::Dump()
0-107FUNCTION CMainFrame::OnPaletteChanged()
0 0-111  if (pFocusWnd != this)
0-115FUNCTION CMainFrame::OnQueryNewPalette()
0 0-127  if (i > 0)
0-131  return CFrameWnd::OnQueryNewPalette ( )
***TER59 % (24/41) of FILE mainfrm.cpp
56 % (22/39) statement

Source file:F:\ctcwork\v90\doc\examples\calc.c
Instrumentation mode:multiconditionReduced to:MC/DC coverage
TER:63 % (10/16) structural,82 % (9/11) statement

34FUNCTION is_prime()
--8    MC/DC (cond 1): 1 - 4
--8    MC/DC (cond 3): 3 - 4
0 1-12  for (;divisor < val / 2;)
0 0-14    if (val % divisor == 0)
0-15      return 0
***TER63 % (10/16) of FILE calc.c
82 % (9/11) statement

Source file:F:\ctcwork\v90\doc\examples\io.c
Instrumentation mode:multiconditionReduced to:MC/DC coverage
TER:83 % (5/6) structural,86 % (6/7) statement

45FUNCTION io_ask()
0 4-11  if (( amount = scanf ( "%u" , & val ) ) <= 0)
***TER83 % (5/6) of FILE io.c
86 % (6/7) statement

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